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add(Node) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.OnePageBook
AddLangPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file
AddLangPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file.AddLangPage
addToLeft(Node) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Adds any amount of JavaFX nodes to the left page
addToRight(Node) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Adds any amount of JavaFX nodes to the right page
addToRight(Node) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.OnePageBook
App - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna
JavaFX App
App() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.App


Backgrounds - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources
Backgrounds() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
BinderTab - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
BinderTab(String) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.BinderTab
Creates a binder tab, using the name of the tab to grab the correct image file
BINDING - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
BlankPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes
BlankPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.BlankPage
Book - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes
Book() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Creates an empty book, with default background
bookProper - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
BRUSHEDMETAL - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
build() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Builds the book, including both pages, binding, and left/right page images
build() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.OnePageBook
buildName() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the build name of the program based off snapshot status and ver num


clear() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Clears both pages
clearLeft() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Clears the left page
clearRight() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Clears the right page
createTransferAction(String) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.BinderTab
Creates an action that switches the current scene with a different scene.
createTransferAction(String) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.ToolButton
Sets the book that this button should transfer the main stage to
createTransferActions() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.Navbox
Creates the actions for each button that transfer the user to a certain category


DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
DENYUT - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts


EditOrthographyPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography
EditOrthographyPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography.EditOrthographyPage
EditPhonoPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology
EditPhonoPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology.EditPhonoPage
EditWordsPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon
EditWordsPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon.EditWordsPage
EmptyTools - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes
EmptyTools() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes.EmptyTools
EMPTYTOOLS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds


FILE - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Indicator
FileTools - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes
FileTools() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes.FileTools
FILETOOLS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
Fonts - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources
Fonts() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts


getAddButton() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Gets the add button
getCurrentFile() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Gets the file connected to the selected language
getEditButton() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Gets the edit button
getID() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Gets the ID of this book
getLog() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Gets the currently used log.
getMainButton() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Gets the left, main button
getMainHBox() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Gets the main HBox all components of a book are a child of
getNavbox() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Gets the navbox used by this book
getPhoneme() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Gets the phoneme displayed on the button
getPhoneme() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeEditPopup
Gets the phoneme the popup is to edit
getPhonemeTable() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
getSceneList() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Lists all books registered in the application
getSelectedLang() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Gets the currently selected language
getStage() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Gets the current stage.
getTextField() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeKeyboard
Gets the TextField for the input of the keyboard.
getToolbox() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Gets the toolbox used by this book
getTrashButton() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Gets the trash button
GRAMMAR - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Indicator
GRAMMARTOOLS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds


handleStateChangeNotification(Preloader.StateChangeNotification) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.LoadingScreen


id - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
indicator - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Indicator - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources
Indicator() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Indicator
InfoPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file
InfoPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file.InfoPage
init() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
isEditable() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Gets if the phoneme shown is editable or not
isInPhono() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Checks if the phoneme for this button is in the Phonology.
isSnapshot() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Marks if this build is a development build.


javafxVersion() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the version of JavaFX run by the program
javaVersion() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the version of Java run by the program


Launcher - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna
Launches the application.
leftPage - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
leftScroll - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
LEXICON - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Indicator
LexiconTools - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes
LexiconTools() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes.LexiconTools
LEXICONTOOLS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
LoadingScreen - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna
LoadingScreen() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.LoadingScreen
log - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Creates the preloader and launches the application
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.Launcher
makeLeftPages() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Makes the left pages decoration
makeRightPages() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Makes the right pages decoration


navbox - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Navbox - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui
Navbox() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.Navbox
Creates a Navbox, allowing the user to switch between different categories of scenes
net.oijon.susquehanna - package net.oijon.susquehanna
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology
net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes - package net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes


olingVersion() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the version of OLing run by the program
olingVersionNum() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the version number of OLing run by the program
ologVersion() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the version of OLog run by the program
ologVersionNum() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the version number of OLog run by the program
OnePageBook - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes
OnePageBook() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.OnePageBook
Creates a book with one main page, stretching over where the binding usually would be
OpenLangPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file
OpenLangPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file.OpenLangPage
OPENSANS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_BOLD - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_BOLDITALIC - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_EXTRABOLD - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_EXTRABOLDITALIC - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_ITALIC - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_LIGHT - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_LIGHTITALIC - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_MEDIUM - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_MEDIUMITALIC - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_SEMIBOLD - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
OPENSANS_SEMIBOLDITALIC - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Fonts
ORTHOGRAPHY - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Indicator
OrthographyTools - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes
OrthographyTools() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes.OrthographyTools
ORTHOGRAPHYTOOLS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
OrthoList - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
OrthoList(Orthography) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.OrthoList
Creates an OrthoList from a given orthography
OrthoPair - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
OrthoPair(String, String) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.OrthoPair
Creates an OrthoPair, a component for displaying pairs of orthographic information.


PAD - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
PAPER - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
PhonemeButton - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
PhonemeButton(String) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Creates a PhonemeButton, with a toolbar of actions on the right side
PhonemeButton(String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Creates a PhonemeButton, similar to PhonemeButton(String), but with a toggle to visually disable it.
PhonemeButton(String, PhonemeTable, boolean) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Creates a PhonemeButton with a linked PhonemeTable
PhonemeButton(PhonemeButton) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Makes an exact copy of a PhonemeButton
PhonemeEditPopup - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
PhonemeEditPopup(String) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeEditPopup
Creates the popup, with a given phoneme to edit The phoneme is changed by the popup, and the PhonoTable is told what to change
PhonemeKeyboard - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
PhonemeKeyboard(PhonoSystem) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeKeyboard
Creates a virtual keyboard with a PhonoSystem to use as a template
PhonemeKeyboard(PhonoSystem, TextField) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeKeyboard
Similar to PhonemeKeyboard(PhonoSystem), but also sets the text already displayed in the typing area.
PhonemeTable - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
PhonemeTable(Phonology) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeTable
Creates a PhonemeTable, displaying a Phonology via GUI components
PhonemeTable(Phonology, boolean) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeTable
Similar to PhonemeTable(Phonology), with an extra toggle to make the table read-only
PHONOLOGY - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Indicator
PhonologyTools - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes
PhonologyTools() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes.PhonologyTools
PHONOLOGYTOOLS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds


refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeTable
Refreshes the table, checking for any new changes and displaying them
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.WordDisplay
Refreshes the display to update any changes to the word
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.BlankPage
Inherited from Book, does nothing as there's nothing to update on a blank page
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Refreshes the content on both pages.
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file.AddLangPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file.InfoPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file.OpenLangPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file.ReportBugPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon.EditWordsPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon.ViewWordsPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography.EditOrthographyPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography.ViewOrthographyPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology.EditPhonoPage
refresh() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology.ViewPhonoPage
refreshOnNewTable() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology.EditPhonoPage
refreshOnNewTable() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology.ViewPhonoPage
refreshSelected() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes.Toolbox
refreshType(String) - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Refreshes all books in a given category ex. if "phonology" is the given type, all books following the pattern "phonology.*" will be refreshed
ReportBugPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file
A book that allows for someone to report a bug via GitHub.
ReportBugPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.file.ReportBugPage
RIGHTPAD - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
rightPage - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
rightScroll - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
rightWood - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
RIGHTWOOD - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
root - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book


setEditable(boolean) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Sets if the phoneme shown is editable or not
setID(String) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.BlankPage
Sets the ID used for this blank page
setInPhono(boolean) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Set the PhonemeButton to be in the Phonology, adding extra buttons to it if set to true
setNavbox(Navbox) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Sets the navbox used by this book (file tab, phonology tab, etc.)
setPhoneme(String) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
Sets the phoneme displayed on the button
setPhoneme(String) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeEditPopup
Sets the phoneme the popup is to edit
setPhonemeTable(PhonemeTable) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeButton
setScene(Scene) - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Sets the current book displayed
setSelectedLang(Language, File) - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Sets a new selected language
setSelectedLangNull() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Sets the currently selected language to Language.NULL
setTextField(TextField) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.PhonemeKeyboard
Sets the TextField for the input to a different TextField
Settings - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna
Settings() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.Settings
SETTINGS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Indicator
SETTINGSTOOLS - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
setToolbox(Toolbox) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Sets the toolbox for the book to use (file tools, lexicon tools, etc)
sortOrtho() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.OrthoList
Sorts the orthography, either by phoneme or by grapheme.
stage - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
start(Stage) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
start(Stage) - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.LoadingScreen
STRETCH_TO_FIT_SIZE - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
susquehannaVerName() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the human-friendly name of the version Make sure to edit this before each release!
susquehannaVerNum() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the version number of this program.
susquehannaVersion() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.SystemInfo
Gets the full version string of this program
SystemInfo - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna
Allows access to version numbers throughout the program.


toolbox - Variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
Toolbox - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes
Creates a VBox with the parameters of all Toolboxes
Toolbox(Background) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.toolboxes.Toolbox
ToolButton - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
Creates a button designed to work with the Toolbox
ToolButton(String) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.ToolButton
Constructs a button.


updateOnLanguageChange() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.Book
updateOnLanguageChange() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon.EditWordsPage
updateOnLanguageChange() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon.ViewWordsPage
updateOnLanguageChange() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography.EditOrthographyPage
updateOnLanguageChange() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography.ViewOrthographyPage
updateOnLanguageChange() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology.EditPhonoPage
updateOnLanguageChange() - Method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology.ViewPhonoPage


ViewOrthographyPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography
ViewOrthographyPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.orthography.ViewOrthographyPage
ViewPhonoPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology
ViewPhonoPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.phonology.ViewPhonoPage
ViewWordsPage - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon
ViewWordsPage() - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.scenes.lexicon.ViewWordsPage


WOOD - Static variable in class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.resources.Backgrounds
WordDisplay - Class in net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components
WordDisplay(Word) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.WordDisplay
Creates the word display from a given word
WordDisplay(Word, boolean) - Constructor for class net.oijon.susquehanna.gui.components.WordDisplay
Similar to WordDisplay(Word), but also allows to toggle if details shall be shown
writeToSelectedLang() - Static method in class net.oijon.susquehanna.App
Writes the current contents of the selected language to the file.
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